Sunday 17 July 2022



My experience with blogging/writing down my thoughts here has been quite interesting. I guess this is a level up from journaling. Journaling used to be, for me, a way to clear up my head, to have my thoughts sorted out, but blogging is on another level. When you leave your thoughts out to dry (for others to read and relate with gentle correction, which is always welcomed) is terrifying and also exciting...

So here is to more entries coming, some may be innovative and some may not. Some may be a longer read if I am feeling a little braver. Some may be a little depressing if I'm stuck in a loop. Either way I'd like to continue letting it out here. Whether or not anyone reads it. 

While the break comes, I'm going to focus a little more on phenomena's, maybe on shared experiences and culture (where ideas are formed). 

But I also believe that nothing is new under the sun,

The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

 Ecclesiates 1:9

Anyways, thanks for sticking around. 


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