Saturday 16 July 2022



The Company

There's a weird effect when travelling. Especially with the same bunch for 3 to 4 days. It makes you feel like a unit. Having each others back. 

I can only imagine this being one of the very last class trips I would ever experience. Making things a little melancholy as the days past. A little harder as the end comes. Maybe this is going to be a sadder post but I promise that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sense of Belonging

Even if you choose to resist it, a class trip does encourage a sense of belonging. Whether you are waiting on each other to move to the next destination or ensuring everyone is present in the moment, the shared experience can never be repeated with the same accuracy. I also believe that this opportunity to travel and bond with one another was within the good intention of Dr Zaky who saw the importance of this. Thank you Dr, if you're reading this.


All good things must come to an end. "Nothing lasts forever", as I grow older I am grateful for this quote. Everything has an end, everything needs an end. Before it gets too depressing, I would just like to remind us again how endings make the journey so much more colorful, exerting the right amount of pressure on us.

Finally I would like to quote a cliché from Mr Pooh,

“We didn't realize we were making memories, we were just having fun”

 - Winnie The Pooh

Here is to growing up and growing together.


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